Dr. Matthew Sacchet studying the brains of monks in 2012.

Happiness can be achieved through training the mind.
— Dalai Lama XIV

A Mission Worth Supporting

Dr. Matthew Sacchet and his team at Mass General Hospital and Harvard Medical School are studying meditation to unlock the brain’s capacity for the highest human happiness.

Dr. Sacchet (left), a Stanford-trained neuroscientist and Harvard professor, is uniquely qualified to lead this research. He combines scientific rigor with a passion for contemplative practice.

But they need your help. This research is currently underfunded, and it has the potential to profoundly improve millions of hearts and minds at a pivotal time in history when 1 in 4 adults suffers from a mental health condition.

The goal is to raise a multi-million-dollar endowment that would support a research center in perpetuity, yet even small amounts enable important new findings.

Your donation will be wisely applied toward the most impactful studies on meditation and wellbeing. For example, we aim to bring adept meditators from across the globe to Mass General’s cutting-edge neuroimaging laboratory to understand how their brains work.

If you believe that meditation can improve our world, please contribute. We greatly appreciate your support and generosity.